Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm back, I think

Okay, I know i took an enormous hiatus, and with only two posts before this one, I'm not so sure I actually started blogging. But I decided that moving, best friend getting married, moving again, wedding planning, decorating a house i don't live in, getting a new job, quitting that job, getting another new job,starting a college ministry, one friend getting engaged, 12 ( literally 12 weddings), 8 birthdays...........and one shower later...I think I have time to blog. Plus I decided this is such a special time in life, I would hate to not have a record of it! I am not even sure where to begin...but I will give a brief update:

1. I am getting married in 88 days. I could not be more excited and ready for this day to be here. Ryan and I are so excited to learn more about the Lord and what love is through this time, what a blessing!

2. Ryan and I (and some close friends from church) started a college ministry that we hold at Ryan's house. It has been such a blessing to dive into the lives of young people, in hopes to show them the love of Christ. To God be the glory!

3. There is baby fever among my friends, and 3 close girlfriends in my life are pregnant, or have recently had a child. It is so sweet and tender to observe this experience in their lives, and to share it with them is such an honor!

4. I have been decorating my soon to be house, and I LOVE IT!!! (with the exception of one room) Hopefully I will post some pictures soon.

5. The next few months I know are about to be a whirlwind. I have already had one shower ( My soon to be sister in law threw me a Monogramming and Mimosa shower)and it was the highlight of July!!!! Such a blessing to see people in your life spend their money to shower and honor you in a way that you will never forget! I have two showers in September and two more in October, and then Ryan and I will be married on November 13th!!

My prayer right now is that the Lord will continue to prepare mine and Ryan's hearts for marriage. We are so eager to begin this journey together, and to learn how to better glorify and bring honor to the Lord together.

If you used to read my blog ( 2 posts ) haha, hang in there! I'm really gonna try harder!

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